Greek Glitch

The "Glitch" series is a visionary exploration of the intersection between ancient craftsmanship and futuristic digital technology. It imagines a world where relics from our distant past, specifically bronze sculptures and slabs, are discovered to hold intricate digital data, as if ancient civilizations had encoded their knowledge, stories, and cultures in a medium that transcends time. These artifacts, once thought to be merely physical, reveal themselves as carriers of digital information, glitched and corrupted by the millennia they spent buried or hidden.

In this narrative, archaeologists of the future uncover these bronze artifacts and, using advanced technology, attempt to decode the embedded information. However, the ancient data is fragmented and altered by the natural patinas, corrosion, and wear that the pieces have undergone, creating a unique fusion of historical significance and digital glitch art. Each piece becomes a dialogue between the past and the future, where the erosion and decay of the metal add layers of complexity to the digital signals trapped within.

This series challenges our understanding of history, suggesting that our ancestors were far more advanced than we realized, capable of creating a symbiotic relationship between tangible art and digital encoding. It posits a world where history is not just something to be observed but is interactive, dynamic, and partly hidden within codes waiting to be deciphered. The "Bronze Bytes" collection serves as a metaphor for the uncovering of lost knowledge and the reinterpretation of history through the lens of modern digital technology, suggesting that the past may hold the keys to understanding our future.

Thank you!

This work has been shared primarily to explore the opportunity of joint collaborations and or sell licensed artwork. Contact us for pricing.

All work copyright © 2024 Anchorball & Ken Kelleher Sculpture LLC